singing songs

åh jag hade superkul igår, men jag var så galet stressad så hann inte ta några kort, vet dock att lite kompisar tog bilder under kvällen så ska tigga till mig dem!
1 longmai:



U promised to take photos of your costume :((

i hate you :(( Hate Hate Hate!!!!


wuh oa oa :((

2 Anonym:


my custume turned out to be just a face make up :P I didn't have time to fix myself >< worked 10-18 saturday. but i think i did a pretty great job, I've talked to my friends and they will upload @ facebook later :)

3 LongMai:


oh i see...

But i still want to see you dress as a pussycat or a bunny :(

continue to cry

Oh, please don't push yourself to much Rasmus, it's bad for your health. You should have enjoyed your weekend instead of working, uno? sigh

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